Simazine 4L 2.5 Gallon Jug


Simazine 4L herbicide controls a variety of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in Agricultural and Ornamental crops.


Features and Benefits

  • For pre-plant, pre-emergent and post-emergent application
  • Registered for use in Citrus, Field crops, Tree Fruit and Nut, and Turf and Ornamental crops
  • Safe to use: non-corrosive and non-flammable
  • Completely soluble in water and liquid fertilizer
  • Contains 4 pounds of Simazine per gallon

Read The Label

About Simazine 4L 2.5 Gallon Jug

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Spee-Dee shipping is far cheaper for our clients in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, as well as select cities and ZIP Codes in Michigan, Missouri, and Nebraska. Spee-Dee’s shipping integration only supports shipping on orders 150lbs and under. To use Spee-Dee shipping for your orders over 150lbs, please split your order into individual transactions! Thanks. Otherwise contact us for other shipping options (920) 255-6388.